First Requirement
Take napkin sketches and marked up CAD Building Design drawings and deliver a clear and concise floor plan and 3D visualization of the plant layout, equipment positioning and workflow optimization. Cycle through quick updates of the model which enabled management and consultants to iteratively develop an optimal layout and workflow without having to be proficient with or even use CAD or 3D modeling software.
Second Requirement
Provide bi-weekly updates to project timelines and GANTT charts based on consolidating project timelines from multiple sources. Provide management with clear and current GANTT charts to identify project creep and construction delays.
Third Requirement
Provide bi-weekly aerial video and photographic construction progress reporting matched to project timelines and milestones. Edit video and provide secure online access for all key project stakeholders. Ensure video was viewable on any computer, tablet and smartphones.

A paradigm-shift in project planning and progress monitoring. Aerial video and 3D visualization combined to enable planning, management and monitoring whether you are on-site or across the world.

See all of the SHIMCO Construction Progress Videos HERE

SHIMCO Structural Steel